Offal Good: Preparing Offal and Unusual Cuts of Meat

Offal, also known as variety meats or organ meats, refers to the internal organs and entrails of animals that are commonly consumed as food. These may include liver, kidneys, heart, tongue, tripe, sweetbreads, and even testicles. While offal may not be as popular as other cuts of meat, it is slowly gaining popularity among food enthusiasts for its unique taste and nutritional benefits. Additionally, offal is often cheaper and more sustainable than traditional cuts of meat.

In this post, we will discuss the different types of offal and how to prepare them to bring out their best flavors.


Liver is perhaps the most well-known type of offal and is often used in various recipes. It is rich in iron, vitamin A, and protein. The most commonly used liver is beef liver, but chicken liver and pork liver are also popular. To prepare liver, it is important to soak it in milk or water for at least an hour to remove any strong flavors.

One popular dish made with liver is liver pâté. To make it, sautée diced onions and garlic in butter until fragrant. Add the liver and cook until browned. Transfer the mixture to a blender and blend until smooth. Add cream, eggs, and spices and mix well. Pour the mixture into a terrine dish and bake in the oven until cooked through.


Kidneys are another type of offal that are often used in traditional British dishes like steak and kidney pie. They are rich in protein and vitamin B12. Beef kidneys are the most commonly used, but lamb and pork kidneys are also available.

To prepare kidneys, it is important to remove the membrane and any excess fat before cooking. Soak them in salted water for at least 30 minutes before cooking to draw out any impurities. Kidneys can be sautéed, grilled, or braised.


Heart is one of the least popular organs but is a tasty and nutritious source of protein. It is rich in iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Beef heart is the most commonly used, but lamb and pork hearts are also available.

To prepare heart, it is important to remove any fatty membranes and trim the connective tissue. It can be grilled, sautéed, or used in stews and casseroles.


Tongue is a delicacy in many cultures and is rich in protein, iron, and vitamin B12. Beef tongue is the most commonly used, but pork and lamb tongues are also available. To prepare tongue, it must first be boiled or slow-cooked to tenderize it. The skin and any bones can then be removed. Tongue can be sliced thin and used in sandwiches or tacos.


Tripe refers to the stomach lining of cattle and is often used in traditional dishes like menudo and pho. It is a good source of protein and vitamin B12. There are four different types of tripe: honeycomb, blanket, book, and omasum.

To prepare tripe, it must be boiled or simmered for several hours to remove any impurities and to tenderize it. It can then be seasoned and used in soups, stews, or sautéed with vegetables.


Sweetbreads are the thymus or pancreas gland of a calf or lamb and are often used in French cuisine. They are a good source of protein and vitamin B12. To prepare sweetbreads, they must be soaked in water for several hours to remove any impurities. They can then be poached and grilled or sautéed. Sweetbreads have a delicate flavor and are often used in dishes like sweetbread risotto or sweetbread pâté.


Testicles, also known as Rocky Mountain oysters or prairie oysters, are the testes of bulls, pigs, and sheep. While they may not be for everyone, they are rich in protein and minerals like zinc and selenium. To prepare testicles, they must first be skinned and the tough outer membrane removed. They can then be sliced, coated in breadcrumbs, and fried.

In conclusion, offal may not be for everyone, but it is worth trying at least once. It is a sustainable and nutritious alternative to traditional cuts of meat and can add a unique flavor to any dish. When preparing offal, it is important to remove any impurities and to season it well to bring out the best flavors.

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